Sunday, February 14, 2016

Little Salt Field

It's the outdoorsy weather today and we (K, C, G, and I) decided to visit some small islands off the shores of Sai Kung. G has been there before some years back since her family is the outdoor type, while the rest of us have never even heard of the place before oops.

The first thing to do is to get into Sai Kung and look for a boat operator to bring us there. We checked and almost all the operators offer the same package, which is to drop by several islands within a 2 hour period. The prices are mostly the same. Yet since we wanted to hang out for a longer period at any island, we chose one of the only operators which only goes to Yim Tin Tsai (Little Salt Field). The advantage of this operator is that the ferry ticket is flexible, so we can choose when we want to leave the island provided there is still ferry services.

Seafood on sale at Sai Kung


A short boat ride later and we've reached!
Abandoned houses.
School which is now transformed into heritage centre.
Church and a garden belonging to the church. Apparently this may be one of the first churches in HK.
Salt farming
Interesting fruit
Water for life?!
God's beautiful handiwork :)
 & obviously sampling some local snacks before leaving
Traditional Hakka steamed glutinous rice dumplings with either sweet or savory fillings.
Some Caucasian visitors sought for our translations for figuring out what these are !(•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑
Let's wait for our ferry back!

Yim Tin Tsai is only accessible by boat from the Sai Kung Pier. Boat tickets are $45 for a round trip, and only operates during the weekend and public holidays. This island is connected to another island which is mainly a golf course, but we didn't venture that far. Anyways, 2 hours is more than enough for a comfortable stroll around the island.