Thursday, August 20, 2015

Sunny Southern Islands

In a bid to prevent myself from growing moldy with all the cooping up at home, my bro and I decided to continue with our Southern Islands plan, even with my bandaged foot. After all, a little sun ray will perk people up ^-^
Thanks to the newly opened Marina South Pier station, we arrived at the pier with time to spare. We found the Maritime Gallery already operating and went in for the free air-con heh ٩( ᐛ )و

I quite like the gallery cos it's quite interesting given up it's size and low traffic volume. Apart from playing with the interactive model (the white one), I also tried being a cargo ship captain with the simulator! The best part is that the gallery is free! #cheapo
The Southern Islands are actual made up by several islands. While the boat dropped us at the St John's Island pier, we set off for Lazarus Island and Seringat Islands first to chop a place at the cove. The water at the cove is clear and I would love to swim in the cooling waters. Too bad with my current condition, I was left standing with one leg in the water and the other leg on the beach. Macam playing hokey pokey sans the shaking all about (^_^;)

Halfway through our chillax-ing and picnic-ing, two yachts sailed into the cove and we saw people lowering kayaks onto the waters, while others just dove down from the deck. A fire vessel docked on the other side and there was a practice drill going on.

Honestly there's nothing much on the islands except for basic modern structures such as benches and concert paths. There are decent toilets (with flushable toilets and working shower stalls) and huts, which I'll rank the island as "first world wilderness".

Also, apparently there's still habitable housing/ chalet/ bungalow here because we saw a family moving their electric appliances onto the island. There's also a large grass field with a long row of toilet cubicles suitable for outdoor camping groups.

There's only one boat in and one boat out on weekdays, so all travellers will be trapped on the island for several hours before making the journey back to civilization. A family forgot about the time and nearer missed the boat back! Luckily the pier staff are experienced and will do a head count (they did one when we arrived at the island) and a brief sweep of the island before setting off.
After leaving St John's, the boat dropped us at Kusu Island for us to explore the island for a short while. This island is much smaller and being uninterested in Chinese temples, we just did a short spin before getting back onto the boat to rest.

Overall, the Southern Islands can be the great tropical getaway, budget version. Copious amounts of sunblock, water, snacks and a huge picnic mat is recommended!